
At some point in the past I ended up giving my boys a lift to school each morning, and then, more often than not, calling into the supermarket on my way home. The downside to this was obvious, I was in the supermarket five days a week, the upside? I never had to think much further than the day ahead. Once they had left school, I did get marginally better at doing a bigger shop but it took lockdown and the 'shop once a week' maxim to really break the habit. Now, on a Wednesday night (or sometimes Thursday morning) Alastair and I sit down and work out what we'd like to eat for the next week before constructing a list of the relevant ingredients. What had a certain novelty to it at first, has long since become a chore and the process of shopping a focal point for the feeling of monotony that is increasingly overwhelming me. The queue to get into the supermarket may have all but disappeared but it has been replaced with a longer queue to get out, and for whilst...