Talking Heads

I have been fortunate enough to be awarded an artists commission for a group project running over the next couple of months. This is new territory for me and all very exciting, but the elation I felt at hearing the news was quickly drowned out by feelings of overwhelm and WTF?! A stern word, some deep breathing and a couple of days later the tide turned and I'm pleased to report I'm now in full project manager mode - you'd be so proud of me sis! Planner drawn up, I was in the process of breaking down my to-do list and scheduling the constituent parts - paying particular attention to make sure that nothing interferes with my post lockdown appointment with the hairdresser - when I stumbled upon a benefit of current life that so pleased me I felt compelled to step away from my planning and blog..... In a nutshell - if you need anything from IKEA go whilst they are offering a click and collect service! My original plan to wait to see how many artists I had on board, ...