
I was expecting a holiday to my spiritual home at the end of May to throw me a little off course, but I had no idea that I’d be blown sideways and only just be finding my way back onto the writing path some seven months later. What I don’t know yet, is if this signifies a return to the (let’s face it - not particularly well) beaten track or if our paths are crossing momentarily. But for whilst I am feeling the desire to write, I’m just going with it, no further questions asked. For the past twelve months I have been following the Celtic Wheel of the Year, from winter solstice to winter solstice – one full trip around the sun – stopping off at regular intervals along the way to catch the sunrise, connect with friends and the seasons, talk to my tree, reflect on the weeks just past and set intentions for the ones about to come. These celebrations have brought some of my favourite moments of the year and removed the oncoming dread of Hogmanay and the mind games I inevitably p...