Amazing Grace

Tomorrow is my 15th wedding anniversary, it's also the summer solstice, otherwise known as midsummer or Litha, and a fortnight since my dad died. At the same time as my world has momentarily fallen off it's axis, the Earth is continuing to spin on hers as we reach the mid point on our journey around the sun. The past two weeks have coincided with a heatwave, the main implication of which is that I have had to walk the dogs early, very early, 5am early which, as I struggle to find time later in the day for any form of siesta, is adding to my feelings of numbness and slightly zombified state - a sort of suspended reality which helps keep the feelings of overwhelm at bay, but apparently does little to help a writer mid afternoon. They have also become without a question of a doubt my favourite part of the day. I love the solitude, the light, the cooler air, and the opportunity to spot some of the more elusive creatures that share the land with me: a fox; the o...