Planting seeds

A beautiful, bright, intelligent young girl was given a patch of overgrown land, it was hers to do with what she wanted, but it came with no instructions and she had absolutely no idea where to begin. Drowning in the overwhelm of responsibility she couldn’t see past the enormity of the task before her, fear rendering her imagination powerless. She couldn’t think, let alone dream. So, she set about doing what she thought was right, she began to clear the land. Perhaps once the tangled mess of overgrown brambles and grasses had gone, she would be able to envisage what to do with her gift. Cutting and pulling and digging and turning till her land was bare, ‘Perhaps now is the time to decide what to plant?’ she thought, but just as she was about to begin, she noticed that the soil wasn’t fine enough, it was filled with stones and little rocks, and she so wanted everything to be perfect - that was, after all, what she had been taught to aim for - and so she picked u...