
If there's ever a time to wake up, it's now
Jerry Brown, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

At half past three on the 24 January 2019 I was the very grateful recipient of a one to one mentoring session aimed at kick starting my creative career, the photograph symbolic of my time having come.

A year later and I can't help but feel that I've allowed it to slip by, in part due to feeling overwhelmed by living in a world that I increasingly don't recognise nor feel part of, a place where greed and consumerism are rife and pride in humanity is harder to find.

I have made some progress with the launch of my creative career, but hurtling towards my 50th birthday I often become unstuck by technology that I don't understand and, a past master at self sabotage, it doesn't take much to throw me off course. I am very proficient at putting blocks in my way and sitting behind any number of excuses as to why not to do something.

Yet over the past year there has also been an awakening within me.  A growing understanding that now is not the time to do nothing.  That the time for sitting and waiting for everything to be in alignment so I can launch the perfect career has gone (if it ever really existed in the first place) and instead the time for standing up and speaking up and being heard is now.

So here I am, on a blog site I have used in the past and, for whilst it might not be the most sophisticated, nor utilising the one attached to my website that I pay for (?!), it is somewhere to start.  Somewhere to share my thoughts, beliefs, triumphs and failures as I try to make a difference to both my own life and yours and our collective responsibility to the planet we live in.

Do I have a plan? Well I got up this morning determined to mark today with my first 100 seconds to midnight blog post and whooo hoooo here it is! After that I'm just going to see where this takes me one post at a time...


  1. And that was a big, brave step. Looking forward to reading what happens next x


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