Self Care
For someone who has spent the past eight weeks either wearing her incredibly loose fitting little black wool dress, or pyjamas, there is a danger in comfort eating that may only be discovered in March at the end of my dress challenge when I revert back to wearing my other clothes - many of which involve a waistband. Increasingly conscious of this fact, whilst at the same time consuming, what has felt like, my own body weight in chocolate, I was perhaps more surprised than I should have been to discover the parallels between my life and that of an 'emotional eater'. On the rather helpful website that I happened upon, amongst the causes for emotional eating are stress, a numbing of emotions and boredom or feelings of emptiness. The reasoning behind which are all very straight forward. Stress produces the hormone cortisol, cortisol triggers cravings for salty, sweet and fried food, eating said food may momentarily satisfy the craving (except unlike with actual ph...